
Is non–face-to-face care coordination reimbursable?

Published By: Urology Times
“This non face-to-face care coordination done ‘incident to’ to the provider…is reimbursable through chronic care management codes,” says Shirley Lee, CRNP-FNP, MPH.

Staying on top of advances in urologic care

Published By: Urology Times
“We talked about patient buy in but family caregiver buy in is just as important, especially when we’re talking about cancer,” says Shirley Lee, CRNP-FNP.

Filling gaps in urologic care from the EHR side

Published By: Urology Times
“Status quo EHR [and] status quo documenting [are] not going to give us the insights that we really need about how [patients are] doing now, and what are the opportunities we have to improve their care,” says Shirley Lee, CRNP-FNP, MPH.

Meet Preveta

Published By: TMV
When Preveta co-founders Victor and Shirley Lee’s dearest friend, Becky Ramos, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, they saw her through every step of her care.

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