Richer data.

Better pathways.

Improved outcomes.


Richer data.

Better pathways.

Improved outcomes.


Richer data.

Better pathways.

Improved outcomes.


AI-Powered Care Navigation Software built on Clinical Pathways

for Oncology, Urology, and GI.

The platform drives a positive feedback loop where health data
continuously gets cleaner and more valuable.

One platform
driven by data, powered by care pathways

Preveta integrates EHR data
into disease-specific pathways
that inform Care Navigation

Care Navigation software guides
navigators to collect targeted data
and patient reported outcomes

Clinical Analytics surfaces richer
data insights and patients for
prioritized action

The platform drives a positive feedback loop where health data
continuously gets cleaner and more valuable.

Seamless integration of care navigation,
clinical pathways, and clinical analytics.

“Astonishing. That was our experience with Preveta.
From providing a platform which allowed us to bring
Chronic Care Management in-house to automating
clinical pathways for prostate cancer, bladder cancer,
BPH, and overactive bladder, I found the Preveta team
to be insightful, forward-thinking, collaborative, and
dedicated to meeting our needs.”

Alan D. Winkler, MHSA, FACMPE
LUGPA Board Member Emeritus

Elevate care coordination with Preveta’s
care navigation pathways

Care navigation and care coordination are different:
Read our white paper to learn more.

Guided workflows for navigators

Empower your team
with actionable data

Operationalize clinical

gaps in care

Level up your data

Level up your data

Preveta has leveled up our ability to comb through
data sets and put that data together in a way that’s
immediately meaningful for my providers.
Mara Holton MD, President, Anne Arundel Urology,
LUGPA Board Member

Data insights designed to identify treatment opportunities

Identify patients for 2nd and
3rd line therapies
Surface patients who
might need intervention
Find patients for clinical trials

Read about the impact of care navigation

EHR Integrations

See how Preveta can support your practice

Learn how Preveta can operationalize your care pathways
and help facilitate CCM reimbursement

Partner Practices